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Writer's picture: Vision For AfricaVision For Africa

What an amazing God we serve! It is so wonderful to see His mighty hand at work even in the most challenging of times all around the globe. We have been experiencing such prayer results and responses as we seek him and intercede for people and the nations. Even when we ask for the little things it seems His answers are quick to come in this season. It's as though His heart is so tuned to us because He wants to pour out His love in the present situations.

When I last wrote, South Africa had been forced into lockdown again because of a third wave of COVID but things were just beginning to ease up. We experienced a couple of months with the lockdown eased considerably but it remained mandatory to wear masks everywhere, indoors or out. During that time we were able to minister in different locations locally and were able to pray with several different people. We started teaching some classes on prayer and intercessors ministry at Without Walls Christian Family Church in the Khayelitsha area. Khayelitsha is a large housing suburb of Cape Town with some brick housing and many other houses (shacks) made from containers and any other kind of building material they can find. These areas are often called "informal settlements." We also had the opportunity to pray with a lady named Nokuphiwa (Gift) from Without Walls along with Pastor Thembie Thamanga. Nokuphiwa had been sick for about ten years and had lost much of the use of her arms and legs. She was confined to her home and had to have assistance to move from room to room. We spent time talking, praying and leading her to pray, especially concerning some witchcraft issues in her life. When we were finished she got up and walked through the house without assistance. The next Sunday she was at church for the first time in a very long time. Our God is so awesome!!!

That time of eased lockdown was short lived as the Delta Variant of the virus hit the country hard. We've were again in lockdown for about a month, from the end of June until the end of July. On top of that there has been some political unrest which led to a lot of demonstrations, riots, violence and looting. Most of this took place in other areas throughout the country. Then we were hearing reports that demonstrations were being planned for our area on a Saturday, July 17th. It was amazing to see the church unite in prayer across denominations, races and language groups. People prayed! Groups met here and there, on the streets or anywhere and petitioned our God on behalf of this beautiful country. That Saturday came and went without any demonstrations happening. We've heard reports even on the news of the same united prayer effort happening all over the country, even in the areas hit hardest by the unrest. So our hearts are anticipating good things as our Father responds to the cries of His children on behalf of their nation. Please pray with us for South Africa during this season. Pray for Dan and I to be moved in the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit in these crucial times. God bless each one of you and may you find His face in the eye of the storm.

In His Sevice,

Theresa and Dan McArthur

Cape Town, South Africa

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Writer's picture: Vision For AfricaVision For Africa

There is nothing more special than a beautiful sunset. We get to enjoy many of them in the area where we live in South Africa. Our God spoils us in His love.

This is Theresa writing from Gordon's Bay. The weather is turning cooler now as we heard toward winter in the Cape Town region.

Although it took some time, things have finally eased up tremendously concerning the COVID lockdown in our area. We are experiencing more freedom of movement locally just in the past few weeks. Air travel is still closed, but will hopefully open up soon.

When we returned to South Africa in November last year, we arrived just in time to submit paper work in order to renew our Charitable Volunteer Visa. We expected to hear back from Immigration Services by mid January of this year but because of the renewed lockdown that began right after Christmas we still have not heard from them. All multiple entry visa holders, which includes us, have been granted an extension good through the end of June because of the back-log situation. Please pray with us that the renewal process will be finalized soon allowing us to remain longer.

During the long months of lockdown we were very limited ministry wise as so many ministries have been during this crisis. We have kept very busy though, pursuing the Lord and waiting before Him in prayer. It has actually been an amazing time of fellowship and intimacy in His presence and He has downloaded so much to us concerning so many things. We spent many happy hours in worship and seeking His face and then waiting to hear His heart. We also kept very busy with several writing projects. We have finished a book on Overcoming Our Adversary that grew out of a seminar that we teach everywhere we go. There are a couple of other books in the works as well. We also have had opportunities to minister to groups in Zimbabwe and around the world via the internet. We were able to reach greater numbers of people in on-line ministry than if we had been physically able to travel there. I was able to minister in a couple conferences to large groups of women and many lives were touched and changed through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even when we can't be present the Holy Spirit can be and He just does His thing. Hallelujah!

Now that things have begun to open up locally, we have been praying, asking the Lord to connect us with more people right here in our neighborhood and God has graciously connected us with several new people just in the few weeks since lockdown has lessened. He is so faithful and I'm amazed how quickly things happen when we just ask. We were so impressed by the Lord during lockdown that small home groups are essential in these times and so we are pursuing that avenue of ministry as well and helping others to establish groups in their own homes. On top of those things we are also getting ready to move to a different home at the end of the month. Again, it was one of those things we asked for in prayer and the Lord amazingly provided.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially concerning the renewal of our visa and for new connections and doors to be opened up to us locally. Our God is so good and it is an honor to be His servants. God bless each one of you richly in His amazing love.

In Him,

Theresa and Dan McArthur

Servants of Christ

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Writer's picture: Vision For AfricaVision For Africa

Recently a friend of mine in Zimbabwe forwarded the contents of a dream she had received from another lady in order for me to pray over it and relate any insight into the understanding of this dream. I believe the interpretation of the dream paints a good picture of the difficult times we are living in and how we are meant to cope and survive in these times. The interpretation of the dream was indicating that we are in the last days and what we are experiencing is a reflection of what Jesus said it would look like. Worldwide, the situations we find ourselves in are seriously difficult. We are being pressed in from every side. It seems as though, spiritually speaking, we are being flooded and overwhelmed. Jesus warned that in the days before he comes in the cloud men’s hearts will fail because of fear. For many, fear is a very real and present foe in the times in which we find ourselves. For some, it seems as if the old, religious ways of handling difficulties just aren’t working. Many feel as if they are pressed in on every side and their whole world seems as if it is becoming detached and swept away in the flood. This is the picture that was painted in the dream. The answer portrayed in the dream is that it is time for us to just jump in and swim. Swimming speaks of moving in the Spirit. We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and our hearts inclined to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit and not focus on the things around us which only opens our hearts up to fear. When we find the flood pressing in on every side, it’s time to just jump in and swim. Romans 8:13 says, “For if you live according to the dictates of the flesh, you will surely die. But if through the power of the Holy Spirit you are habitually putting to death (making extinct, deadening) the evil deeds prompted by the body, you shall really and genuinely live forever.” AMP. This response in these times is not easy but rather very bumpy and will be hard work especially for those who are only learning to live and be daily motivated according to the Spirit and who have not habitually practiced it before. Responding to the present situation in the flesh only leads to fear and fear leads to death. But if we are submitted to and responding to every situation in the power of the Holy Spirit we will have life and will walk in peace and rest in spite of the things happening all around us. Verse 18 of the Romans 8 passage says, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!” AMP. I believe we are on the verge of a worldwide explosion of the move of God on the earth and we are about to see the greatest harvest the world has ever seen for the Kingdom of God! And God is looking for men and women who are motivated by the Holy Spirt to be His vessels to bring the power of God with signs and wonders, healing and deliverance to this present situation. Verse 19 says, “For even the whole creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known, waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship.” AMP. It’s time for the sons of God to be revealed with power from our Father for these times, for the explosion that is about to take place. So jump into the flood and swim!!

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