Vision For Africa Missions is a multi-faceted ministry based out of South Africa. VFA Missions connects relationally to churches and leaders in many different denominations, people groups and cultures. Our primary vision is to see the lost saved and set free through the love of the Father and the cross of Jesus Christ.


About Us
Dan and Theresa McArthur, missionaries from the US, are the founders and directors of Vision For Africa Missions since 1988. From 1988 to 2016 our base of ministry was in Zimbabwe, Africa. Presenty, VFA is based in Gordon's Bay, South Africa, a subburb of Cape Town.
VFA reaches to areas all over Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, and Botswana. Our hearts' desire is to be vessels of God's love in order to do what Jesus came to do.
'Salvation - deliverance - healing - breakthrough' is the pattern practiced and taught through the diverse aspects of VFA Missions bringing vision and hope to lost and hurting people.

Dan and Theresa McArthur
"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
Proverbs 29:18

Training groups to do power evangelism in communities and on the streets
Helping to educate
orphans living
in extended
family homes
Building relationships
with Pastors in
order to partner together to build God's Kingdom

Contact Us
US Address:
PO Box 24832
Dayton, OH 45424
South Africa Address:
38 Silversands, 158 Lancaster Rd.
Gordon's Bay, Cape Town
South Africa 7140
Email Address:

Partnership Giving
Partner with us. We love to build relationships that include prayer partnering and encouraging one another as well as financially supporting VFA Missions. The funding that comes through this partnership goes toward VFA administration and travel expenses as well as living expenses for Dan and Theresa McArthur. If you would like to be included as a partner please let us know via email or on our ‘Contact Us’ page. When giving, designate your gift to “Partnership”.

Designated Giving
Feel free to designate your gift to: TUOP Orphans, Feeding Programs or Travel. Your entire donation will go for that mission project.
VFA Missions is a non-profit organization with a 501(c)(3) status as a public charity in the US. Please be assured that when your gift is designated to a specific mission project 100% of your donation will be used for that purpose.
Donating by Check
Make checks payable to: Vision For Africa.
Send to: Vision For Africa
PO Box 24832
Dayton, OH 45424